Friday, July 25, 2014

High Five For the Most Random Week.

Y'all. This has been such a great week! I'm excited to share it with you.

At the end of this post, you'll probably be thinking "Wow, Kayla sure is easily amused." Which is true. I am a simple person. It doesn't take much to keep me happy.

I'm just gonna jump right into it.

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1. First things first, I got my laptop back. Joey, Jr. was greatly missed during his absence.

By the way, his name is Joey, Jr. because my first laptop was named Joey. I don't know why but I thought that was a great laptop name. And when I got my Macbook, I still thought it was a great laptop name, hence Joey, Jr. My next laptop will more than likely be Joey III.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Birchbox vs. Ipsy: July.

Receiving my month's beauty boxes is one of my favorite parts of each month. You all know how much I love makeup, and these these two packages give me the opportunity to try out products I may not have normally picked for myself. My favorite thing is when I get a product that is something I NEVER would have thought to try, but end up loving.

 I received both Birchbox and Ipsy last week, so here is my July Birchbox vs. Ipsy review!

(If you're new to the idea of Birchbox and/or Ipsy, click here to read my past reviews and learn more about the two services.)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Adventures of NyQuil.

Welcome to my first Enchilada Tuesday post! Or whatever we're calling Tuesdays.

Sunday was a long day for me. I was gone all day, and the entire day I was surrounded by people.

I love people. But I find them exhausting.

I got home around 9:30pm Sunday night and crashed.

Considering how tired I was, it was surprising how long it took me to fall asleep. Like, maybe an hour. And when I finally did fall asleep, all I dreamed about was people. No storyline. Just people.

And then around 1:30am, I woke up. And every time I closed my eyes, I saw people. People everywhere.

Monday, July 21, 2014

A Love Note to Joey, Jr.

No Monday Smiles today because this is far more important.

On this day, July 21, 2014, a beloved member of the Holiday family has returned home after falling victim to a terrible keyboard disease.

He underwent an emergency keyboard transplant, and now all keys are functioning as normal.

Welcome home, Joey, Jr.

In your absence, I wrote you this note. I hope you like it.

Friday, July 18, 2014

High Five for Friday + An Announcement!

Today's post is brought to you by my mom's laptop because mine is currently visiting Tech Support.

Remember the keyboard issues I started having a few months ago? They recently got, like, 1,294,329 times worse. It was basically unusable. And since a keyboard is kind of an important part of a laptop, it was time to get it fixed.

I'm really digging deep to find 5 things to share with you guys from this week. It was fairly unproductive but I'll do my best.

1. I had family in town last week, which I mentioned. On Friday, we ate lunch at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants and then did some antique shopping. We visited this store that is PACKED with lots of vintage clothes, jewelry, furniture, even old letters and photos! It was amazing. I bought an antique hand-painted plate, which I have been meaning to start collecting for awhile. (Now my collection has officially started!)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday Smiles: Timeless Beauty.

This is a little different than my usual Monday post. It may not interest some of you, but it makes me smile, so it counts.

Lately I've really been channeling my inner 40's diva -- curly hair, red lipstick, full eyebrows. I love the classic, flawless look of it all.

For fun, I put together this list of some of my favorite style icons from the 40's and 50's. I hope you enjoy looking through them as much as I do! (And maybe you'll even find some new inspiration!)

Elizabeth Taylor is one of my all time favorites. I think her eyebrows are my favorite part of her look. They're so striking and bold, but they frame her face beautifully and actually draw more attention to her stunning eyes.

Friday, July 11, 2014

High Five for Friday: And She's Back!

Guess what, y'all? I'm back!

I took the week off, which was totally unplanned but kind of nice. 

Since I've been gone for awhile, today's High Five is a special two week edition! But still with only five things. Because the last two weeks weren't all that eventful.

So here goes!

1. I guess I never showed you guys a picture of the finished cupcakes I made a couple weekends ago. Here you go:

Top left: Snickerdoodle; top right: chocolate & peanut butter; bottom left: chocolate & Nutella; bottom right: vanilla.