I never got around to posting this yesterday, so I thought about just skipping it this week. But then I remembered how awesome this week was, and it needed to be shared. So I'm switching things up, breaking all the rules, and posting on Saturday! (I know, I'm a rebel).
Not that my posting was that regular anyway (I'll get there eventually, I promise), but it's definitely going to be pretty sporadic the next couple of weeks as I prepare for school. Just a heads up.
This week was a week of change for me. I left my job of four years and I started training for my new teaching job. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed since school starts in a week and I was a last minute hire and I've got a lot to do. But my new coworkers are so helpful so I know it will all work out.
I also crossed two things off my bucket list this week! Details below.
Here are some of my favorite moments from the week: